Food Safety Information:
Quick and Easy Baking does not accept any liability for any food or physical safety issues arising from this website. This includes, but is not limited to; any illness, disease or death incurred following preparation or consumption of any recipes, any physical injuries incurred during the planning, preparation or consumption of the recipes or any issues arising at an event.
Information is given about how long to store certain prepared foods in certain recipe cards on this website. This information is a courtesy and should not be construed as a guarantee.
Quick and Easy Baking is not responsible for any illness, disease, death, or injury resulting from reliance on food safety information in the recipe cards. Readers of this website should assume full responsibility for any decisions made regarding their own health and safety.
Please use common sense when determining how to store food items.
Allergy Information:
Ingredients in the recipes on this website may contain allergens. This website is not intended to be used by those with serious food allergies. If you have food allergies, you must be responsible for determining if a recipe is appropriate for you. I Scream for Buttercream cannot know whether you should or should not make a particular recipe.
Readers of this website should assume full responsibility for any decisions made regarding their own health and safety.
Nutritional Information:
Quick and Easy Baking does not have any formal dietitian or nutritional training. Nutritional information such as calories, fat, carbohydrates, sugar, etc may be displayed with recipes. This information is a courtesy and should not be construed as a guarantee.
Nutritional information is an estimate and is provided by a program this website uses that calculates it based on the ingredients and serving sizes. The nutritional makeup of ingredients may be different depending on the product used, the brand used, and/or the country you’re in. The exact quantities of each ingredient may also vary due to human variance.
Quick and Easy Baking is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the nutritional information. Readers of this website should assume full responsibility for any decisions made regarding their own health and safety.
Nothing on this website should be considered medical advice. Always discuss any changes to your lifestyle and/or diet with your doctor first.